Tuesday, August 09, 2011

So Done!

Yesterday, I finished our Back to School Shopping for good....well, at least until late Fall when the weather becomes cool and my daughter needs more warmer clothing! I do have enough for her to get by if the weather takes a turn quickly (dare I hope?).

And can I just say that I NEVER had such cool, color/pattern matching cool supplies. Nope, it was your basic yellow pencil, plain Jane school supplies. Wait! I forgot about the Trapper Keepers that had a little bit of variety but not much!

Now, I need to label their folders, pencils, school boxes, etc. with their names. Oh the joy of back to school. I don't know who is more excited ME or THEM?!!


Toni said...

Our excitement came by way of which lunchbox we carried (I'm older than you, so you might not have enjoyed that either).

A Family Created By God said...

Oh I remember the excitement of which lunchbox!! I had a Cabbage Patch Dolls lunchbox that I was rather fond of back in third grade!!