Friday, July 23, 2010

Molly and Minnie

We have two furry additions to the family! A couple of months ago, one of the teachers at my school asked me if I would like gerbils for my classroom or for home. I started to think, well, since we cannot have a dog, this would be a good pet for the kids. I slowly forgot about it until this week when my co-worker sent me an email. She has about 30 gerbils! Whoa! We managed to get a cage from another teacher and I had to buy bedding, food, and water bottle which were fairly cheap. These gerbils were born in early July and they are just a fraction of the size they will grow to be.

Let me tell you that Carleigh has been excited! All day Wednesday and yesterday, we talked about her "sherbets" (that is how she pronounces gerbils). When I pulled into the driveway last night with the rodents, Matt told her that I pulled up. Well, the girl SCREAMED so loud that I heard her from inside my van! She was immediately at the van ready to help with whatever! LOL!

It was so cute watching them observe the gerbils. Of course the poor gerbils are scared due to loud noises, Cody clapping his hands and kicking his feet with excitement for them and of course trying to pick one up!

It was so cute when Molly would run on the wheel in her cage. The kids would laugh and Cody would say "Do it again mouse!"

Bedtime was difficult because neither child wanted to leave their dear friends. No doubt that these additions will cause many funny stories in the future!

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