Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Go and VOTE! Whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, go and make your voice heard! I am going to go vote during my break and am hoping to get back in time before the kids get back from P.E. class...one hour!!


Toni said...

Oh no! How did it go on your lunch hour? Carl's coworker decided to go before work today at 6:30am. She had to work at 8am and was late. :O

I went at 2pm and was the only one (odd because we live in a fairly populated area).

A Family Created By God said...

I had one hour to do it and it was a 10 minute drive from school. And I made it and was back at school with 15 minutes to spare! All the booths were busy, but I only had two people before me so I only had to wait like 3 minutes!

Toni said...

Glad it went well (casting a vote, that is).