Friday, November 07, 2008

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Conferences went well yesterday! I met Carleigh's speech pathologist as well as her preschool teacher. Apparently, Carleigh is a BIG helper and likes to help her teacher alot! She is doing really well routines and following directions. She still needs to work on her communication skills and speaking longer sentences, but overall she is doing great!

I had to race across campus to Cody's building and of course was late to it because Carleigh's conference started late and ended late. His conference went well and we began to discuss his transition into Kindergarten next year. Cody can sit at circle time very well which lasts up to 30 minutes!! Way to go Codeman! I found out that a fireman got an unexpected kiss from my kissing bandit when he picked Cody up while he visited their school. One of his teachers caught it on camera and will be putting it on CD at the end of the year.

Matt took Cody to the dr and he has just a viral thing. Off and on fever so we are watching him and giving him Tylenol. He doesn't have an ear infection or strep so hopefully this little sickness will go away quickly because we have a lot of fun plans scheduled for this weekend: going to a Hoot-n-nanny at a friend's barn in Oxford and a birthday party on Sunday.


4Me2Know said...

Great updates and how precious about the fireman.

Now I have to ask...
What is a hoot-a-nanny? :D

A Family Created By God said...

A hoot-n-nanny is a get-together cowboy style. I never heard of it before and googled it!! Our friends from church own a huge barn and board horses.

4Me2Know said...

Sounds like a total blast. Can't wait to see photos. Have fun!