Monday, November 24, 2008

One more day to go!!

Tomorrow is my last day of teaching for the week! Yay! And then I have 5 wonderful days to stay home with the kids and just enjoy them. Wednesday we are going to play some fun games that I made for them and then I will be going over to my friend Shannon's house in the evening to learn how to "quill." Thursday will be Thanksgiving and we will be having dinner with my parents. I will be helping mom with all the fixins while Matt keeps the kids home until dinner is ready. Friday morning, I may or may not be out shopping during Black Friday. I guess it depends on two factors: 1) What is on sale 2) If I can do it without children. Friday afternoon, the kids, Matt and I will be putting up our Christmas tree. On Saturday, I plan on possibly taking them to Niedermann Farm to see the "Walk Through Bethelehem" which is all about the birth of Jesus Christ. They also have a neat light display (so I have heard). Sunday is worship day at Church and then a lazy afternoon of relaxing. I am hoping to get some cleaning and organizing done mixed in on a few of those days.

Tomorrow is a low-key day at school. After lunch, it is easy breezy lemon squeezy with Computer class and then the party for the rest of the day. The morning consists of a Math test, P.E. class and a few Thanksgiving activities. Ahhhhhh!!!! I could really go for 2-day workweeks!!

1 comment:

Toni said...

The plans sound wonderful, filled with family, food and lots of fun. And your final school day tomorrow brings back wonderful memories for me of holiday season in grade school. I can still see me making my Christmas tree and felt ornament back in the first grade.