Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cody's Boo-boo

Cody was getting off the bed at the hotel room when he made contact with the pointy edge of the nightstand. It scared my mom and I! He was bleeding strongly and Matt and my dad went to a store to pick up a few things for us. The bleeding slowed down but it was swollen a bit. It took a while for him to calm down.


Toni said...

LOL! Carleigh pushing Cody reminds me of Brandon (who is ONE, mind you) pushing his siblings on his Radio Flyer car. My Tarzan.

Toni said...

Hoping poor Cody's boo boo is feeling better. My Reece can't stand the sight of blood and so it is always very traumatic when he (or anyone) is injured.

A Family Created By God said...

He is doing better. He would be great if the power was on!!