Thursday, July 31, 2008


Carleigh has been exhibiting signs of anxiety. It all started after the pig attack in June. Lately, she is afraid of most animals, new things, and being separated from Mommy. Last night at church, the teachers said that Carleigh whined for me the majority of the time. Normally she never whines or does anything that the teachers have commented on. A couple of nights ago, she wanted me to tuck her in bed for the night and not Matt. I hope this isn't a long stage she is in. We had already dealt with separation anxiety when she was about 18 months ago. Is it coming back again? She is also waking at night and very fearful. *sigh* I have to go back to work in 2 weeks and have been talking up Memaw staying with her. Normally we call her Mammaw but Carleigh has been calling my mom Memaw lately. She is excited for Memaw to put her down for a nap and we might have her come over the day before I go back full time to go over the schedule and routine.

Where has the summer gone to????


Toni said...

It's so delicate to try to figure out what goes on those little minds. Poor Carleigh. Hope the anxiety phase passes asap.
p.s. I really really REALLY dislike when summer comes to an end. The routine of school is goo for all of us. But winter is just so depressing to me. :(

Toni said...

Good. I meant GOOD for all of us. Not goo. Though some goo is good too. Like glue. It's a necessary goo for school. Never mind, lol.

A Family Created By God said...

I also like the routine also, but I too get so bored with winter. Of course I love snow days!!