Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Mommy's turn

After getting over Cody and Carleigh's colds/stomach issues, I have now come down with a head cold, slight fever, headache, and now I am aching! I hope I am not getting the flu! This would be a great time for a snow day, but I highly doubt it will happen. And of course today was a big day in my classroom. My class presented a 15 minute presentation on ancient/modern Egypt for each class in our school. It was nice not to have to talk alot today, but the unstructured day was exhausting for all of us! I am so glad that it is over and we can focus on academics again.

We have scheduled Carleigh's many appointments that we need to take care of before she starts preschool. I will be taking her to the Ophthamlogist on Monday and dropping off her preschool registration papers at the district headquarters. I cannot believe that she will be 3 years old in less than a month and starting preschool! It just seems like yesterday when I brought her home from the hospital!

She is so funny. She will do silly things to make her big brother laugh or Matt and I. She also thinks it is funny when I blow my nose (which is happening more often right now). She absolutely loves the Wiggles right now and sings along with their songs. She has helped Cody to talk more and when Cody needs more food, she will say "More!" and point to him. She is also testing her limits and will do things to see if she can get away with them. Yes, she is in the terrible twos and it will probably continue in the 3s!!

1 comment:

Toni said...

Hope you're feeling better SOON, Jen. All the photos are great. And I think you're right on the cinema. The cartoons held our kids' attention better. I think we started them about the same age as yours.