Monday, January 07, 2008

Update to our decision....

We can officially tell you about one of our decisions....

I just emailed the BIG email to our social worker. We are back in the pool, however, this time, we are in the foster to adopt pool only. Confused?!! Well, Cody and Carleigh's placements were "foster" at first, then after a few weeks, our caseworker called me and said, it will be long-term and do you want to adopt?!

So now, we will be waiting for a foster to adopt placement. Boy or girl (although I am heavily wanting a sister for Carleigh) will be a waiting child or a child who our agency is getting ready to get permanent custody of (termination of parental rights). He/she will be between the ages of 1 year - 5 years. We have the space for one more child (unless we move which isn't an option in the near future).

So, gulp, swallow, we are back on the rollercoaster! My heart has been yearning for 3 children for quite some time now. We haven't had a new placement since Carleigh was placed with us in March of 2005. Matt and I are excited, but in not a real rush. We are trusting in the Lord's timing and the His plan for our future child. We are filled with so many emotions now, but wanted to tell everyone about our decision.


Toni said...

Praying about those future job decisions, Jen. I know where your heart is and I know God knows too.

CONGRATS on the decision to take a new foster/adopt placement. Jen, I'm feeling nostalgic as I type this. I remember the EXACT post you made the day you got Cody. It was a blur of a day for you, all happening so very, very quickly.

And I remember the long journey to his finalization, a journey that brought sweet Carleigh in the midst of it. Sigh. And now, another sibling in God's time. I am so genuinely excited for you guys. Enjoy this time of anticipation.

A Family Created By God said...

Thank you Toni!! I so enjoy your comments on my blog!