Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Cody's Parent/Teacher Conference

Ok, I gotta brag! Last night I went to Cody's parent/teacher conference with his preschool teacher and her instructional aide. It went well. We went over his IEP and the progress he is making. We are thrilled that alot of the IEP will be re-written because adequate progress has been made in most areas. They are amazed at how much progress he has made since last spring! His teacher told me that one little boy who is in his class is only there due to a speech issue and is on-target developmentally and he has befriended Cody. Well, the teacher was working with this little boy to identify his name or at least the first letter of his first name. He was having a hard time so Cody went over to the little boy and picked up the "B" and gave it to him! Oh that just makes my momma heart proud! He has such a high cognitive ability that if we could just get the communication going, who knows what Cody will do! They also said that he can play on ALL the playground equipment at the Kindergarten center which is HUGE progress since last year, he had to be watched carefully and could not climb on the equipment. He can also walk up and down the stairs holding on to the handrail. He also has friends in his class including girls. I worry so much about him and am just praising God that he is continuing to grow and progress every day. Way to go Codeman!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HOORAY for Cody! That's wonderful news. Give him hugs from Auntie Toni today. ;)