Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Today, dh was sitting on our screened porch while the kids were playing. The cats came over and Carleigh said, "Meow.....milk?" Meaning: Can we feed the cats milk? Of course Matt couldn't say no, and brought out milk. Cody and Carleigh LOVE watching the kids drink the milk. Hopefully the cats will stay around for awhile. They have gotten very attached to them.

Another cute story: While Matt was waiting for me in our school playground, Carleigh was looking out the van window and saw some of our school children playing on the playground. A few were playing kickball. When they ran, Carleigh shouted "Run! Run!" and when it was someone's turn to kick, she would shout "Kick! Kick!" I don't know if she was trying to be a cheerleader or wanting to be apart of the action!! He He HE!

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