Sunday, June 03, 2007


We are so excited about Cody's vocabulary development! He has been saying quite a bit more words. He really listens to Carleigh and now says "up, bye-bye, Elmo, dog, more, ba-ba(sippy cup), Pa-paw, Mummaw." Yesterday he repeated what my dad said when he said that it looks like it was going to rain and Cody said "rain?" This makes me so proud of my little guy. We have been waiting for over 3 years to hear his precious, sweet voice and it will be great for Cody to tell us what is going on and what he wants.

Carleigh's new word of the week is "splash." She has a large word vocabulary and now her next step is talking in two and three sentences.

Both children can identify many alphabet letters without any prompting. We are now moving on to shapes and colors this summer as well as numbers 1-10.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Teaching them is soooo much fun. It's very rewarding (as you know; I don't have to tell you) to see the fruits of your efforts. Enjoy venturing forward together.