As the summer is drawing to a close, I have been thinking about how I would rate this summer. Honestly, I would rate it in possibly in the top 3 with kiddos. A lot of children behaviors have changed and there have been many times where I have just enjoyed them immensely. Mr. C has had amazing behavioral changes on the meds.
I think the highlight of the summer was our amazing Clearwater Beach vacation! Florida was beautiful and the beach was breathtaking! All my stress and cares just melted into the Gulf of Mexico! The kids enjoyed swimming and splashing in the ocean and pool every day. Mr. C loved just letting the waves hitting him. It caused my mommy heart to swell just seeing how happy they were! Cinderella made friends with any child who arrived at the beach.
We have also enjoyed playing outside without too many intense heat days and also movie days were fun! The REDS game was awesome as well as watching Cinderella aka "the slugger" hit the ball on the ball field.
It was also awesome because last summer was just dreadful because I had major surgery and could not do a whole lot of fun things with the kids. Actually, the whole year was challenging with my three surgeries. Enough of that! I am beyond that and am much better!!
What a great summer! There are times that I am ready for the kids to go back, but I will miss the extra hugs and kisses I get with them. It's bittersweet! School starts in about 2 weeks and they are so very excited! Mr. C LOVES school buses so I am thinking his highlight of the school day will be the bus ride. He has a new intervention specialist as his old teacher retired. He has had her for 3 years and this will be his last year at elementary school so this will be quite a different school year for him. Cinderella will have the same intervention specialist she had last year so things should go rather smoothly for her. She has amazed me this summer with her maturity and her personality has started to shine. She will begin a new sport in the fall.....Cheerleading! I am looking forward to taking her to class and seeing her perform in competitions. I am hoping she will make some good little girlfriends.
I will teach second grade for my 14th year. Did I just type 14? Wow! I am looking forward to this new crop of students who are siblings that I have had in the past. I think it is going to be a great school year for everyone!
And, we are looking forward to what will happen next summer....hopefully a wonderful thing that we won't share until it happens!!!